Your Skincare Routine is the most important foundation to great skin.

Skincare routines help keep your skin in great condition. Having healthy skin is so important and can protect your skin during different seasons. The very first thing to do before picking out skincare products is to know your skin type. There are 3 different primary skin types which include dry, oily or combination skin.  For each skin type there are thousands of different products to choose from. This process of choosing which skincare products are better for your skin type will take some trial and error. It normally takes about 1 month (30 days) for you to see how your skin reacts to a product. In my opinion though a really good one will let you know in about 2 weeks. I’m finally loving my skincare routine it does take time to figure out what your skin may love in all honesty.
What you want to have and use in an everyday skincare routine is a Cleanser, Toner, and moisturizer.

Cleansing — Washing your face.
Toning — Balancing the skin.
Moisturizing — Hydrating and softening the skin.

Other skincare products that may be incorporated into your skincare routine would be sunscreen, exfoliation, and serums. No matter if you’re adding extras in, always end with a moisturizer ? ?

                Skincare Routines

It’s the basics to having flawless foundation(makeup) for me…………..

As I’ve stated in a previous blog, primers, a great foundation, concealers, setting powders, and setting sprays are all important for flawless achievements in applying your makeup BUT the overall and most important is going to be your skincare routine. This will give you a beautiful clean canvas and all the great products a wonderful outcome.

So Lets recap!!!! To maintain healthy, great looking skin you want to use your skincare products twice a day morning and night and get in routine of doing this everyday!
Always remember to take your makeup off before bed, cleanse, tone, and moisturize!!!!!
I don’t know about you guys but it feels great to feel and see a cleansed face. It excites me to know that my skincare products have my back to looking my best! If any questions or comments let me know I’d love to interact with you about this important topic.