3 Reasons Why You Should Have A Vanity

Getting dressed, listening to music, and getting dolled up, is the highlight of excitement I get from sitting and doing my makeup at my vanity to look absolutely gorgeous!! I love my LED lights, my furry long chair, magnified LED mirror, and the organization of my makeup on my vanity. It’s a girls dream to have a cute vanity and why not make it match your personality. My vanity has my girly personality attached to it. I have flowers, candles, perfume, makeup, makeup brushes and jewelry on my vanity. 

     Why should you have a vanity???

            First things first! Let’s talk about 

            The look! 

My vanity is so bomb! ❤️ It’s my favorite part of my room. I have different color roses in a pretty pink vase, candles of my favorite scents, jewelry holders, a perfume section, and a makeup section.  My makeup is neatly organized in clear containers helping me to be more organized. I have lipstick and lipgloss holders and a brush container to hold all my favorite makeup brushes. When I sit down and do my makeup I feel like an even more Queen ? getting glammed up. I’m sitting so comfortably in my furry white chair feeling beautiful, prepared for my many different looks, cheerful, elegant and so much more. Being at my vanity is so colorful and expresses who I am. Beauty is whatever brings joy so it just gives me an extra boost of happiness. The appearance sets you up to make room for some everyday beauty in your life ?

       Secondly, you should have a vanity, 

    For Lighting & a Mirror 

The LED lights give you a natural lighting to help with applying your makeup and the LED magnified mirror with seeing your face closer. On my vanity I can adjust my lighting for brightness or for warmth. Lighting helps you put your makeup on better and see properly. My mirror is a double sided mirror that gives a high magnified view on one side and a normal view on the other. The magnified view helps me with arching my eyebrows, placing my eyelashes on, applying eyeliner, etc. The normal view of the mirror helps me with applying a mask to my face for exfoliation, doing my hair, applying my makeup, etc. It’s just something about the lighting and the mirror together that brings the beauty out of you even more. 

    ?Hashtag #LUXURYBEAUTY?

   Lastly,  you should have a vanity, 

          For Storage

Having storage at my vanity allows me to hold all my favorite makeup products in one area. It’s organized how I would like and helps me to be more efficient and productive. This is very important especially for when you’re getting dressed and are on a time limit. You know where everything is and can put it back in the same spot. Before my vanity I had my makeup in many areas in my room, my closet, and the bathroom. For makeup hoarders this is complicated lol. I have so much makeup it’s beyond my control but what I can say is that what I use more of and my favorites are definitely at my vanity neatly organized and sitting pretty ? 

In Conclusion………

The best decision you could make for applying your makeup, storing your makeup, and loving your makeup area would be to invest in a VANITY. Having a vanity will give you more Glamour For Every Occasion. You’ll look and feel beautiful with adding to your personality as well! I would love to hear about your vanity setup’s 

How to BLUSH intentionally…….

Blush as a cosmetic product is applied to the face to give you a normally pink, red, rosy tint, or to compliment the cheekbones. I’ve always applied my blush based off of my mood, my clothes, my lipsticks, lipglosses, or when I have a new brand of blush. I can’t even count how many blush colors I have ranging from different pinks, bright pinks, light pinks, oranges of bright & dark oranges, reddish browns, dark & light browns, the list goes on and on…… 

My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE BLUSHES are going to be a soft pink and a dark brown. Blushing without a cosmetic product usually gives off a rosy or pink outward appearance so applying blush cosmetically enhances a desired look vibrant and harlequin in color. 

           Blushing to make a statement 

My blush color helps set the tone for my face. As mentioned above I apply my blush based off of many different things. Let’s talk about my mood! ? If I’m wanting to show that I’m super girly and sweet I’ll apply a nice bright pink to my cheeks. Whether it’s a hot pink or a soft pink it adds cuteness to my appearance. 

My clothes are a major part some days and I’ll match up a color with a color in my outfit. I may want to compliment my blush with my lipstick or gloss and vice versuz when I’m trying out a new blush I will match my lipgloss/stick with my new blush. I love making a statement with my blush! I’m wanting my blush to enhance my glow, give me fresh color vibes, and set the tone for my appearance. 

Some people say you may be doing tha most with your blush  ??‍♀️ I say you’re not doing enough! Be loud, be vibrant, be outgoing and happy!! Blush is another way of expressing your personality and feelings through wearing makeup. I’m so known for this!! I broadcast to show who I am as a person and the love & passion I have for makeup. 

Your blush can make a statement in a flirty, professional, happy, romantic, sexy, & bold way. I would highly recommend trying to apply your blush intentionally with what you may be wearing, your feelings, or different looks you’re wanting to achieve. I’m interested in finding out what blush you like to use and why? Comment below to share with me! 

Your Skincare Routine is the most important foundation to great skin.

Skincare routines help keep your skin in great condition. Having healthy skin is so important and can protect your skin during different seasons. The very first thing to do before picking out skincare products is to know your skin type. There are 3 different primary skin types which include dry, oily or combination skin.  For each skin type there are thousands of different products to choose from. This process of choosing which skincare products are better for your skin type will take some trial and error. It normally takes about 1 month (30 days) for you to see how your skin reacts to a product. In my opinion though a really good one will let you know in about 2 weeks. I’m finally loving my skincare routine it does take time to figure out what your skin may love in all honesty.
What you want to have and use in an everyday skincare routine is a Cleanser, Toner, and moisturizer.

Cleansing — Washing your face.
Toning — Balancing the skin.
Moisturizing — Hydrating and softening the skin.

Other skincare products that may be incorporated into your skincare routine would be sunscreen, exfoliation, and serums. No matter if you’re adding extras in, always end with a moisturizer ? ?

                Skincare Routines

It’s the basics to having flawless foundation(makeup) for me…………..

As I’ve stated in a previous blog, primers, a great foundation, concealers, setting powders, and setting sprays are all important for flawless achievements in applying your makeup BUT the overall and most important is going to be your skincare routine. This will give you a beautiful clean canvas and all the great products a wonderful outcome.

So Lets recap!!!! To maintain healthy, great looking skin you want to use your skincare products twice a day morning and night and get in routine of doing this everyday!
Always remember to take your makeup off before bed, cleanse, tone, and moisturize!!!!!
I don’t know about you guys but it feels great to feel and see a cleansed face. It excites me to know that my skincare products have my back to looking my best! If any questions or comments let me know I’d love to interact with you about this important topic.


Ok makeup lovers u have to agree that once you apply and set your makeup its a wrap‼️✊? 


Shout out to my Primer, Foundation, Concealer, Setting Powder, and Finishing Spray. I mean what would my makeup be without you ????????‍♀️ it’s so amazingly beautiful how they all come together to make you look and feel absolutely gorgeous. The flawless appearance is everything! Ok so let me break things down for the new makeup babes and tha ???people in tha back ??? Primer can be applied to the face before your foundation. It creates a layer on your skin used to help makeup last longer, smoothing the surface so you can have a smooth canvas to paint on! It also helps even the skin tone. A great foundation is used next, and depending on the brand of your choice you can have flawless foundation that stays all day. Concealer is used to brighten and mask dark circles, blemishes, or age spots visible on the skin. Some concealers will blur the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles under the eyes and stay in place for up to 16 hours as well. Once the concealer is applied next you can use setting powder. Setting Powder helps to “set” or hold your foundation and concealer in place and prevent it from creasing or fading. It also helps reduce shine and absorb excess oil. Lastly, a Finishing Spray will ultimately help prevent your makeup from smudging, creasing, or fading quickly. It will allow you to not have to touchup during the day. So now that those fabulous products are applied the finishing look is a lipstick or lipgloss of your choice right❓ If I’m going to apply any makeup during the day it’s going to  ONLY be my lipstick or lipgloss. ???

I must say that during a time where mask are mandatory a great stay all day lipstick is perfect to go along with the other products used to stay in place and last all day. I feel bombbbbbb, when my lipstick is in place just how I left it with a mask on. If I’ve eaten and it comes off a little then I’ll apply it again but other than that it’s quick, simple, and convenient! I want to hear from my makeup beauties what you think is the best way to maintain stay all day makeup so you aren’t having to reapply anything? Toodles and I hope to chat with you!!!!!!!!!! 

P.S. The beautiful model used in the photo is drop dead gorgeous! Her makeup is laid all the way to heaven! Angels did her makeup lol. I know she didn’t have to apply anything all day except to her lips.


Makeup Brushes matter for a flawless appearance

Makeup brushes are the best way to apply makeup. There are several brushes for different areas of the face.
I’d like to give a BIG shoutout to my mom for helping me with my brush set collection 🙌🏼 I can’t even keep count of how many brushes I have for my personal self and my brushes for my makeup clients. All I know is………. I’m blessed to have so many and I love them all!!!!!!!!!!

Let’s start with the basics, My favorite type of foundation brush is a flat/paddle brush. It’s such a great foundation brush for liquid foundation in my opinion. I have to admit though it’s so cool to have many options. Some people prefer to use a stippling or Kabuki brush, which are very popular as well. No matter what type of makeup brush you may use the quality and maintenance is so important. Having a good makeup brush is the key to flawless application of makeup and guess what else?! It helps with great skin care. Now just because I said good quality is important that doesn’t mean that your spending has to be over the top! There are some really great brands of makeup brushes that are inexpensive and worthy! You want to keep a regular routine of cleaning your makeup brushes so that they will last longer AND bacteria won’t grow on the brushes. I wash my own personal makeup brushes every other day and when I’m using my client brushes as an makeup artist I clean them after every client. I first use some really great makeup brush cleansing wipes and then once I’m done I wash them all together with a brush cleanser. The best makeup brush cleanser I’ve come across so far would be BeautyBlender. It’s ingredients are simple and it’s free of dyes and skin irritants. Don’t forget a cleansing brush glove. This is a fast and effective way of cleaning your brushes. You want to be able to let your makeup brushes do all the work and make a beautiful presentation. Some makeup brushes will shed and become aggravating and it gets worse when you try to keep them clean so just consider being a little picky when it comes to picking out the right brushes. It takes some getting out of your comfort zone to try different brushes and see how you like them. I would recommend trying a few brushes of each to figure out what you like best! 

 let’s just sum this up really fast. 

  1. Investing in good quality makeup brushes go a long way but doesn’t have to be expensive 
  2. Figure out what brushes you love working with the best and let the brushes do the rest! 
  3. How often are you cleaning your brushes? Clean your brushes every week according to how often you use them.

These are things you should go by when picking out makeup brushes and keeping your skin clean and applying flawless makeup

Let’s engage……….. I want to know, 

What’s your favorite foundation brush? what do you conceal with? what eyeshadow brushes do you like? What is your makeup brush cleaning rountine? 

Bringing out the artwork in beauty while applying makeup

Those eyes…..

Those lips…..

Those cheeks…

That nose……

Physical facial features make up a huge part of what makes us, US! Our physical features has a lot to do with physical attractiveness. Whether you have big round eyes, small slanted eyes, a wide or slim nose, narrow chin, or full lips, we were all made differently and unique in many ways. Applying MAKEUP to our facial features brings out the beauty in us assisting in making makeup enhance our features even more. We then unveil a masterpiece creating artwork. Artwork can be created by making a painting, sculpture, photograph, etc. It’s more than likely to express beauty, important ideas, emotions or feelings. The pleasure in expressing beauty and creating artwork in a face is LITTTTTT‼️

Being a makeup artist is like displaying your artwork in a gallery. I mean, you’re pretty much a walking advertisement for a beautiful masterpiece waiting to be noticed! Makeup can absolutely give you any desired look. The way you can manipulate makeup to look a certain way has to be the best work an artist could ever achieve. I love bringing my eyes out more by adding a waterline eyeliner, or a super dramatic liquid winged eyeliner. The best part about bringing the facial features out in my opinion would have to be Contouring and highlighting. Contouring is a makeup technique that uses cosmetics to define, enhance and sculpt the structure of the face. Highlighting the face is used along with contouring to brighten the skin in certain areas. Producing these looks either dramatic or natural can become some very creative artwork. Another form of artwork on the face would be in the eye area. There are so many people who get super creative with applying eyeshadows. I’ve seen some very cool artwork applied to the eyes and face. During the  holidays like Halloween, Christmas, or Valentine’s Day I love seeing how characters are made, and how people apply festive makeup. In the movie industry the special effects are beyond amazing. ? “And the nominees for best special effects makeup in my opinion goes to,” “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “The Night King (Game Of Thrones),” “ How The Grinch Stole Christmas,” “Beetlejuice,” and I could go on and on………..

Would you agree that makeup is an expression of art and self reflection? 

Let’s reflect on how beautiful you are! 

No matter if you’re rocking a natural or dramatic look, becoming a character for Halloween or being very festive during any holiday, you are showing off your artistic creations in many beautiful ways. To all my artist out there, I’d love to see or hear about your best artwork……..


                      HEATHER FEELS SO…………?







The FLATTERING and POWERFUL transformation that a RED lipstick does is just so magical. I mean, you can’t tell me nothing once I’ve applied my red lipstick on. Can I let you in on a request of mine? I will more than likely be wearing my favorite red lipstick at my own funeral, seriously. I will be requesting to have it on my lips and then bury me with it in my hand lol. I was born to wear red it’s my makeup anthem for TheHeatherRose. The everyday look, on an interview, going out to a lounge or bar, on a date or just going grocery shopping can have a red lip included as your look of choice. 

Foundation ✔️ Lashes ✔️ Eyeliner ✔️ Highlighter ✔️ Red Lipstick ✔️ 

                       I’M READY, SET, GO ?

As a woman who loves color and has over 100 lipsticks and glosses I will stunt on all of the other colors and rock a red lip any day. It’s just something about red. I own well over 20 different brands of red lipsticks and glosses. Is it safe to say I’m obsessed? Yeah go right ahead. I’m nuts for a bold red. GET YOUR RED ON!!! I’m so curious to know what my red lipstick lovers enjoy the most about wearing red? Let’s chat…….



There is something so fierce and ravishing about a bright lippie! Bright colors speak volumes while giving out an extraordinary personality. I mean just imagine personality being the color of your choice. My bright go-to color has to be orange. Orange isn’t my favorite color but it’s something about the different oranges as a lip color. Whether it’s sherbet orange, pumpkin orange, burnt orange or an electric orange you couldn’t possibly go wrong. When I wear bright colors like oranges, reds, hot pinks, or purples, I OWN IT! It’s a proven fact that people who wear bright colors are in a cheerful mood with lots of energy. It reveals personality and you stand out more! Ohhhhh yeah!!! I totally agree. 


It’s not the color of my skin that LET’s me wear bright lip colors, it’s my BOLDNESS in wearing them. The lip colors doesn’t make me, I make the lip colors. When I walk into a room, crowd, or I’m just sitting pretty in a car I hold my head up high and let my lip color do all the talking. I think my pretty lustrous lip colors are always making a big statement and shows off my brilliant character. Skin tone is such a stereotype in my opinion when it comes to wearing bright and radiant colors. I believe that “anyone can rock anything.” This all goes back to personality and owing it. I wear the beautiful, lucid, and ultra-bright, lippies so proud. I’ve never been anywhere and didn’t get not 1 comment on my lip color and I live for the comments! It’s in my heart to help many who are apprehensive about bright colors feel fearless, confident and courageous. So get going, in letting your lips become eye-catching. I dare you! Let me know how it goes!!